As an additional (or alternative) means of celebrating the short story genre, consider a $1.50 purchase of Cunningham's stand-alone (uncollected) story "Sight Unseen" in electronic format.This piece, by turns funny and poignant, we describe like so:
When Maxwell's wife gets corrective laser surgery, things get complicated.And here, for your consideration, is a wee excerpt:
In the mirror one night he studied a man resembling himself: somewhat lumpier around the sides and under the chin, OK — but looking longer he found a face got up in shoddy imposture, a doughy mask. The eyes weren’t set at accurate depth, too recessed, too shadowed, and most of their color had been drained. Maxwell probed at the face numbly. “What happened here?” he murmured.Buy and download "Sight Unseen" HERE. And long live the short story!